At MK Containers, we will supply your container at a discounted price and when you have finished with it we will:
1.) 'find a buyer' .... by including the item on our web sites and via our e.bay shop, When calulating hire charges like delivery cost weekly hire cost and the collection cost, its possible our service will save you money! With the current world trend of increasing steel prices its possible you will be surprised of the purchase value.. we take a small %, normally 12% + any other fee's that we may incurr such as the ebay listing and selling fee's
2.) we buy back the cotainer instantly .. and collect from site within days .. we would offer you a low price so we can include collection, checking, stocking and finding a buyer.
PLEASE ASK FOR FURTHER DETAILS Flat-pack store, Expandastore This is a quality FLAT PACK CONTAINER, However, we can offer a whole range of containers